Pokemon BattleGary wants to challenge you to a virtual battle. Be sure to choose your pokemon well! Here's an early leak of the game, but you should know that it's incomplete and there's currently no way to win. Read writeup
Turbo crypto part 2Using the key you extracted, we found a [link](https://drive.google.com/uc?id=19mmImjpreALZSs0D88BtLY65cFBkHsMC&export=download) to the source code for turbofastcrypto. There happens to be a secret flag file on the server, and you need to extract it.Read writeup
GradebookMy teachers been using a commandline gradebook made by a first year student, must be vulnerable somehow. Read writeup
Coffee shopUserspace heap feng shui is too complicated. Here is a peak into kernel heap exploitation. Use your instincts.Read writeup
Baby heapLet's get you all warmed up with a classic little 4-function heap challenge, with a twist ofc. static.scythe2021.sdslabs.co/static/babyHeap/libc-2.31.so static.scythe2021.sdslabs.co/static/babyHeap/babyHeap Read writeup